Trade War : Future War Looming Between The US And China And The Effects On The Modern World (9781077230750)

Trade War : Future War Looming Between The US And China And The Effects On The Modern World (9781077230750)

Dawn Of The World War III?!!!Throughout history, trade wars have been common, but with most instances being between China and US. Up to date, the US has launched the famous "Section 301 investigations" since 1991 against China, specifically probing into the areas of unfair trade barriers, intellectual property rights and clean energy. During these investigations (in the past), both countries have naturally turned to tariffs as their means of retaliation. Nonetheless, these conflicts ended up being resolved through diplomatic means (such as using WTO's dispute settlement mechanism to settle a compromise).Before the most recent round of investigation that triggered the current wave of eruptions, the last investigation was done in September 2010. The Obama administration began an investigation into China's subsidy policies as well as the investment in green technologies following a petition filed by the United Steelworkers. This investigation targeted subsidies given to over 150 Chinese companies in solar energy, wind energy, alternative fuel vehicles and high-performance batteries, which were (allegedly) in violation of World Trade Organization's policies. Before the investigations escalated into a trade war, the US did apply for consultations within WTO's dispute framework in December 2010, and China accepted to revise the subsidy policies. When Donald Trump assumed office, the White House evidently took a tough stance on trade policies; this was even before the trade war between China and the US broke out. In June 2017, President Trump started investigations on the import of aluminum and steel- as always, for 'national security reasons.' Given the huge aluminum and steel production capacity in China, there are enough reasons to believe that the investigation and the subsequent extra tariffs were initiated to target China. In 2018, the trade disagreements between China and the US increased in both scale and frequency, with the US repeatedly imposing anti-dump duties or tariffs on Chinese imports. In March 2018, President Trump signed an executive memorandum, which launched a 'section 301 investigation' into the intellectual property practices of China and threatened to issue additional tariffs on the country's imports. The trade tensions escalated. Could this trade war trigger World War III? Here Is A Preview On The Shocking Revelations To Prepare Yourself For World War IIIChapter I: A Background Of The Trade WarChapter II: The Most Likely Reasons For The Friction, And The Escalation Of The Trade WarChapter III: A Possible World War 3Chapter IV: The Impact Of The Trade War Globally Right Before An All-Out Trade War Or World War 3Chapter V: The Possible Long Term Consequence From A Different Standpoint: A Global RemakeWho Will Win?!And Much Much More........Download this book right away and soon you will find yourself troubling picking a side

Product details

  • Paperback | 68 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 4mm | 113g
  • English
  • 1077230753
  • 9781077230750
  • 1,114,693

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